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How to make a referral for Community Outreach Services

How to make a referral

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For immediate support, call us now. We're available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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Please note that this email is operated 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and outside these times you may not receive an immediate response.

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Live Chat

You can access our live chat service every day during three dedicated timeslots: 10am – 12pm, 2pm – 4pm and 8pm – 10pm, access from our home page

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If you need help in another language, we have a multi-lingual staff team with many languages or we can arrange for an interrupter. You can also access the Women’s Aid Survivors Handbook , which is available in various languages.

If you feel at immediate risk please ring 999

Support for adults

Our outreach services for adults are delivered in the community face-to-face, online or by telephone support. This can take place in a survivor’s home if safe to do so, at one of our community drop-ins or at Domestic Abuse partner agency locations. We offer group work to promote recovery from abuse and peer support. We also have dedicated outreach support for male victim-survivors, including referral to 24-hour safe accommodation.

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Support for Children and Young People

DASSL Children’s Outreach service works alongside the adult outreach service to support the children and young people. We delivery age appropriate 1:1 support and small group interventions, safety support, access to wider children and young people support services and early interventions in the community. We can also offer independent support for children and young people via referral.

Services are free and confidential, delivered by specialist Children & Young People domestic abuse practitioners.

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Connect & Respect

DASSL partners work together in collaboration to deliver the ‘Healthy Relationships’ programme in Lancashire Schools.

The ‘Connect & Respect’ programme, is available for schools to opt in as part of their programme of support for children and young people who may be living in domestic abuse. The programme has been a success in facilitating age-appropriate interventions and preventing further patterns of unhealthy relationships.

Our Healthy Relationship Teams collectively develop, implement and review resources for consistency across the county, enabling us to build on our existing resources and create bespoke content to meet emerging need.

Community Outreach Services

Everyone has a right to be safe and live without abuse and fear. DASSL's inclusive and accessible community support services provides domestic abuse support, signposting to other services and access to safe accommodation for anyone affected by domestic abuse, stalking & honour-based abuse across Lancashire.

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Click on your local area or type in the name of your town to find the nearest support available to you.